Rose Bouquet: 1 cu. in.


Rose Bouquet Keepsake Urn.
Solid walnut. with a cluster of freshly blooming roses coming to life with attractive three dimensional artwork. Features a cylinder that can hold cremation ashes, a lock of hair, or a small ring. Back-opening.
1 cu. in., 5-1/2"H x 1-1/4"D x 4"W. 3/4 lb.

Rose Bouquet Keepsake Urn.
Solid walnut. with a cluster of freshly blooming roses coming to life with attractive three dimensional artwork. Features a cylinder that can hold cremation ashes, a lock of hair, or a small ring. Back-opening.
1 cu. in., 5-1/2"H x 1-1/4"D x 4"W. 3/4 lb.

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